
Comunidad de Canaán, Comarca Emberá-Wounaan

Las necesidades de protección de madres migrantes deben ser abordadas sin discriminación. Éstas deben ser protegidas contra cualquier forma de explotación, agresión o violencia sexual a lo largo de las rutas migratorias.

Mothers migrants protection needs must be met without discrimination. They must be protected from any form of exploitation, aggression, or sexual violence along the migratory routes.


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Soy mamá de dos hijos, uno de 14 y otro de 16 años, tengo un técnico superior en administración de recursos humanos y soy madre soltera.

Muchos retos desde el principio, el primero fue haber dejado a mis hijos; ese creo que fue el primer reto, el haberlos dejado para poder migrar y emprender este camino que no sabes lo que te espera, nadie sabía, ni ellos ni nosotros sabíamos lo que nos esperaba. Es peor que lo que cuentan.

Es lo peor, creo que es el peor infierno que una persona puede vivir en su vida, es algo que no tiene ni palabras; creo que si tomas el testimonio de cada uno te darás cuenta de que las experiencias no son todas iguales, hay quienes lo pasaron peor. Nosotros tal vez nos quejamos y llegamos bien, pero hay gente que viene peor, gente que murió, madres que vinieron con sus hijos, que se arriesgaron y perdieron sus hijos en el camino, esposos, hubo una chica que se le murió su esposo en el pantano y la dejaron sola, no sabemos si salió o se quedó con su esposo.

Salir adelante, llevarme a mis hijos a los Estados Unidos, si Dios lo permite, darles una mejor calidad de vida, esa es la meta; darles una mejor calidad de vida, seguir emprendiendo, nosotros vivimos en Colombia durante 9 años y allá nos fue relativamente bien, duramos casi 9 años, pudimos poner negocio y esperamos poder hacer lo mismo en Estados Unidos, esperando que ahora se más fácil porque estamos prácticamente solos.


I am a mother of two children, one 14 and the other 16 years old, I have a technical degree in human resources administration and I am a single mother.

Many challenges from the beginning, the first one was to have left my children; I think that was the first challenge, to have left them to be able to migrate and embark on this path that you do not know what awaits you, nobody knew, neither they nor we knew what awaited us. It is worse than what they say.

It is the worst, I think it is the worst hell that a person can live in his life, it is something that has no words; I think that if you take the testimony of each one you will realize that the experiences are not all the same, there are those who had it worse. We may complain and get there fine, but there are people who come worse, people who died, mothers who came with their children, who risked their lives and lost their children on the way, husbands, there was a girl whose husband died in the swamp and they left her alone, we do not know if she got out or stayed with her husband.

To get ahead, to take my children to the United States, if God allows it, to give them a better quality of life, that is the goal; to give them a better quality of life, to continue being entrepreneurs, we lived in Colombia for 9 years and we did relatively well there, we lasted almost 9 years, we were able to start a business and we hope to be able to do the same in the United States, hoping that now it will be easier because we are practically on our own.

I am a mother of two children, one 14 and the other 16 years old, I have a technical degree in human resources administration and I am a single mother.

Many challenges from the beginning, the first one was to have left my children; I think that was the first challenge, to have left them to be able to migrate and embark on this path that you do not know what awaits you, nobody knew, neither they nor we knew what awaited us. It is worse than what they say.

It is the worst, I think it is the worst hell that a person can live in his life, it is something that has no words; I think that if you take the testimony of each one you will realize that the experiences are not all the same, there are those who had it worse. We may complain and get there fine, but there are people who come worse, people who died, mothers who came with their children, who risked their lives and lost their children on the way, husbands, there was a girl whose husband died in the swamp and they left her alone, we do not know if she got out or stayed with her husband.

To get ahead, to take my children to the United States, if God allows it, to give them a better quality of life, that is the goal; to give them a better quality of life, to continue being entrepreneurs, we lived in Colombia for 9 years and we did relatively well there, we lasted almost 9 years, we were able to start a business and we hope to be able to do the same in the United States, hoping that now it will be easier because we are practically on our own.